Kickboxing Classes
Elements Martial Arts Training offers a Kickboxing Program geared to the individual wanting to develop skill in the art of striking. Our fast-paced classes teach technical Kickboxing and emphasize conditioning, agility and strength.
Be part of a program that blends a challenging, fun workout with technical Kickboxing development. You will benefit from training with supportive peers who motivate you to work harder regardless of your fitness or experience level. Drill kicking and punching combinations on bags and pads with partners and learn how to create angles, build combinations, and execute countering techniques. There’s even time for sparring drills and light live sparring when you are ready.
Kickboxing Delivers Results
Adults in our Kickboxing Program:
- gain a broad skill set with experienced instructors
- develop strong focus and mental discipline
- reduce stress by directing energy into a positive physical outlet
- transform their bodies with our demanding training program